Volume One is a celebration of those who are ambitious and creative in their own right. Creativity is not bound to artistic practice but is an attribute we all possess and can apply to our everyday lives. It is about being curious, inquisitive and exploratory; it is about finding practical and positive solutions and using foresight. Inline with this, sustainability and responsible practice emerged as common themes within this volume – a manifestation of the values and interests of Another Escape.
Volume One Sold out

Volume One is a celebration of those who are ambitious and creative in their own right. Creativity is not bound to artistic practice but is an attribute we all possess and can apply to our everyday lives. It is about being curious, inquisitive and exploratory; it is about finding practical and positive solutions and using foresight. Inline with this, sustainability and responsible practice emerged as common themes within this volume – a manifestation of the values and interests of Another Escape.

Loose Soil
"There are seven billion people on planet Earth, and if most people's main aim in life is 'how rich can I get and how fast' then we're fucked, end of story, full stop." Understanding the implementation of sustainable and self-sufficient systems and the values of permaculture with expert Mike Feingold.
Something New from Old
One man's creative vision for homes on the water, crafting distinctively unique houseboats from old vessels fused together with everything from old fire engines to aeroplane parts, making living works of art from recycled scrap.
Sweat Equity
Co-founder of the Bristol Bike Project James Lucas discusses the positive impact of such social initiatives on mobilising and integrating local communities.

Tipi Valley
Should we question societies that measure success by dubitable social constructs? Longstanding eco-village Tipi Valley hosts a number of people who are living beyond the norms of Western society, each with their own reasons and motivations.
A Green Kitchen
Chef Shane Jordan creatively tackles the issues of food waste in a nutritious and tasty way by transforming the way we think about food.
Less Car Parks, More Parks
How much more fulfilled could we be if we had more opportunities for social interaction within our cities? This is a question urbanist and designer Daniel Cooper explores within his article on urban innovation and design.