Many of us may choose to burn the midnight oil, and we discuss how these late hours may be used for creative endeavours and pursuits of the mind. We delve into the nocturnal realm of the night garden, a place where flowers bloom in the darkness, heady scents hang in the air, and nocturnal pollinators come out to play. We plunge deep into our oceans, explore their marine biota and witness the bio-luminous worlds that exist in the dark depths. We travel to the most southern reaches of our planet and step out onto the icy plains of the East Antarctic ice sheet where the midnight sun allows the hunt for meteorites to ensue, leading adventure-scientists closer to unlocking the secrets of the universe.
Volume Four Sold out
The Night Volume

Many of us may choose to burn the midnight oil, and we discuss how these late hours may be used for creative endeavours and pursuits of the mind. We delve into the nocturnal realm of the night garden, a place where flowers bloom in the darkness, heady scents hang in the air, and nocturnal pollinators come out to play. We plunge deep into our oceans, explore their marine biota and witness the bio-luminous worlds that exist in the dark depths. We travel to the most southern reaches of our planet and step out onto the icy plains of the East Antarctic ice sheet where the midnight sun allows the hunt for meteorites to ensue, leading adventure-scientists closer to unlocking the secrets of the universe.

The Night Shift
Under the canopy of night, whilst other creatures sleep, a furtive interplay between nocturnal flora and fauna unfolds.
Night Dive
From a childhood interest in the ocean to a career of adventure, marine biologist and expert in the study of bioluminescent and biofluorescent marine life David Gruber has travelled the globe to research, observe and ultimately conserve these beautiful creatures and their habitats.
Stones of Extraordinary Stillness
Dr Ralph P. Harvey is the principal investigator of the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) program that heads out to the icy continent once a year to find those tiny fragments of the universe.

Collective will and modern engineering can help us tackle the problems caused by light pollution.
Marvel of the Night
Moth enthusiast and former northern editor of the Guardian Martin Wainwright talks about the optimistic state of the moth world.
The First Enlightenment
Science and reason are now catching up with the fantastical as we learn more about the amazing biota on our planet capable of creating their own light.